Friday, December 09, 2011

What is a family?

What is a family? I needed to answer that question for an assignment, and I’ve never really thought about it much because for me, it’s something I just feel and know. I know who the people are in my family, and certain friends who instantly come to mind as well, but it’s the what, not the who. What needs to exist in order to call something a family? Sure when you are born you have a default family, but what are the ties that bind? What is at the depths of the what? I thought it would be fun to ask some people to answer that question in one or two sentences; I got some pretty amazing responses.

What is a family?

A unit of deep understanding.

Family is an unspoken agreement/hope between two or more people to have feelings of loyalty, acceptance, tolerance, love, and/or support towards the other(s) for a lifetime. Family is the unit to which you choose to be genuinely obligated.

The super glue that keeps us grounded, united, and focused on our journey through life.

What life is about.

Those you grow with blood or not, they are the people that make you who you are.
Family is the unspoken relationship between individuals, whether it be blood, friends, lovers, pets that requires no explanation or expectation. It’s the feeling of loyalty and comradery that you can count on no matter what.

The holiday season is upon us, and there is no better time to think about and appreciate family.

1 comment:

  1. Great ideas about families. Hope you got a good grade for the assignment. Donna
